Friday, December 12, 2008

Latest Pic

Me and Jax! I love him so much. I had this done a couple months ago and just barely getting it posted. We took some pictures last weekend with me, Taylor, and Jax. Hopefully it doesn't take me 3 months to get them up :) Have a great weekend!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Tag

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? A Good Mixture of Both

2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial. I need a new one because mine is just little

3. When do you put up the tree? The weekend after Thanksgiving

4. When do you take the tree down? After New Years

5. Do you like Egg Nog? Yeah but I have to be easy on it. Its really rich

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Hmmm....probably a Sega Game System. I don't really remember

7. Hardest person to buy for? Any Uncles. When we draw names, I always cross my fingers that I don't get an uncle but it must make it so I get 2 uncles. I have had 2 uncles for the past few years.

8. Easiest person to buy for? Jax

9. Do you have a nativity scene? No but I would really like to buy one next year

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail.

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Gosh. Probably a sweatshirt from my dad. It's the thought that counts though, right?

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? A CHRISTMAS STORY. Taylor loves it too.

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Sometimes before Thanksgiving but I attempted the Black Friday this year. I will shop on that day again but I am not going to go at 5 in the morning to WalMart ever again. If there is something that I really want for someone and its a great deal, then maybe.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? All the food, candy, and peppermint ice cream. Too many choices. No Fave.

16. Lights on the tree? yes, white

17. Favorite Christmas song? Wow..not sure. Deck the Halls by SheDaisy is a good one. Santa Claus is coming to town and all the cheesy ones are great and I like the meaningful pretty ones, like The Prayer.

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Well I have just had to drive 20 minutes to my mom's on Christmas Eve and do it all there but this year we are flying to Texas. Looks like we will be altering Christmases with the families

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
You KNOW Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen. Comet and Cupid and Doner and Blitzen. But who do you recall, the most famous reindeer of all.....Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer!! - Pretty sure I know 'em all.

20. Angel on the tree top or a star?Neither. I need to find a cute star. Nothing cheap or cheesy.

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas Morning Baby!! Maybe we get one present the night before.

22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Selfish people who just want to get get get and not give.

23. Favorite ornament theme or color? I love red and silver. Last year I did red and gold. It was okay. This year is red and silver with Santa.

24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Hmmm...really anything homemade and filling.

25. Favorite family Christmas tradition? My parents and Santa set each kids stuff on a corner of a couch. Some gifts are left unwrapped, some are wrapped. Each stocking is in the appropriate corner. Its fun how they set it up!


Yesterday, Taylor and I buzzed up to Orem to get him a new puppy.

He had a Jack Russell dog for 10 years. When he went back to Texas for Nick's wedding, he left Charlie (the dog) in my care. Charlie was not very happy. Taylor brought him to our place right before he left. The dog was not use to kids and Jax was very playful with him. Chuck was looking out the window every two minutes. He wasn't doing too well. Taylor left on a Friday morning. Charlie had been living at the mill in the dog house and dog run that Taylor had set up for him when they first moved here to Gunnison. So, our house was a new place for him. Jax was making him mad, and he missed Taylor SOOO much. Chuck only listened to Taylor too. He ended up biting Jax twice and snapping at me a few times. Jax was really sick the Wednesday after Taylor left. We were taking Charlie down to Gunnison to put him back into the dog run at the mill because we were going to stay at my mom's and Charlie had bit Jax. I just couldn't have it anymore. I pulled into the mill and up to his dog house. He knew EXACTLY what I was going to do and he wasn't gonna work with me. He growled and snapped at me when I tried to get him out. I then opened the other day so maybe he would see that it wasn't facing his dog house. He ran for a while and then just ran off. Jax was crying because he was so sick. He had a fever and strep throat really bad. Usually when I have watched the dogs before, they will run around for a little bit and stubbornly come back to their living quarters. Chuck was nowhere to be seen. I had looked for him for 2 hours that night and just gave up because I needed to get home to my sick boy (i had my brother bring me a leash and take Jax back to my mom's). Well, the next morning I was on my way to work from my mom's. I pass the mill on my way to work from there. Right after I passed the mill, I saw something I sure didn't want to see. Charlie had been hit the night I tried to put him in his house. I lost all composure. I was bawling. I pulled over and turned around and drove past it again because I didn't want to believe that it was him. I lost all train of thought, responsibility, and sense. I was hysterical. When I went in the door to my mom's she knew what had happened before I could tell her because I was crying so hard. I tried calling Taylor but he didn't answer. I guess his phone was on silent. So, I called his mom. I'm pretty sure she couldn't understand a word I was saying. She then got ahold of Taylor for me. I felt so bad. He held up really good and was really strong about it. I had to go to his work and ask some guys he worked with to bury Chucky Boy for me because I am a girl and just don't deal with that stuff. Kelly, Taylor's boss, was very good about this and took care of it right away. I finally made it to work that day and got my mind off it for a while. My mom watched Jax since he was so sick and I missed the day before that. On my way back to my mom's after work, I saw the scene of the crime and lost it again. Oh man. That was so hard. Then when Taylor came back from Texas, we went to get his truck at the mill after getting him from the airport. We went to his grave and I was a mess again. I will still cry sometimes if we bring him up and reminise about things he would do. I feel so so bad about it. That was Taylor's best buddy since the 8th grade.

Since I feel responsible for the whole thing, I got Taylor a new puppy. He had been looking online and didn't really know what he wanted. We went to my uncle Matt's for Thanksgiving and they had 5 week old golden retrievers. The dad, Beackam, is BEAUTIFUL and HUGE. Taylor fell in love with him and wanted a male puppy. Here he is.

I love him so much. He has the first pup to leave the bunch. His collar is black with golden stars. It matches him perfect. I love it. Taylor is in love with him. Jade is a little jealous but that's okay. She just wants to play and box with him but he is too little. Soon, he will be able to kick her butt. Haha.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas in Dixie

We are going to Texas for Christmas this year. Taylor's mom bought us tickets. I am very excited!!! Jax gets to go on his first airplane ride. He gets to meet all of Taylor's family. He has met Mike, Cathy, and Kimmy (Dad, Mom, Sister) but there is more for him to meet. It will be fun. We are flying there and I don't know what to do for gifts. Any suggestions as to what gifts to take and how to get them there? Airlines charge for checked bags now days. LAME. We are only allowed one carry on. The dang airlines are so dang picky anymore. I don't blame them but some things are a little much. Anyhow. It's all I think about anymore because I am so dang excited. We will get in really late the night of the 23rd and fly out really early the morning of the 28th. So, we will be able to chill Wednesday through Saturday. Taylor's family is awesome. I absolutely love them. We are all very excited to go back and spend some time with them.

Christmas Wreath

I made my very first Christmas Wreath. It turned out pretty good. Plain but cute! I like it :)